Margaret River
Martial Arts
Unit 4, 19 Auger Way, Margaret River

Code of Conduct
Martial Arts is an effective method of teaching self defence. It involves fitness, flexibility, development of speed and power, plus self control and discipline. Although the techniques involve strikes, blocks, chokes and manipulations, the focus is on self restraint, not on attacking someone.
For this reason we have rules...

Inside the Dojo
Questions in class are asked by raising your hand.
Teachers are to be addressed as "Mr" or "Mrs" then using the last name.
We work as a team. Older kids are role models for younger ones and look out for them.
If late, wait at the end of the mats to be bowed in by the teacher.
Never interrupt the instructor when he/she is talking.
Always demonstrate active listening. This means facing the speaker and looking at him/her during instructions.
No shoes on the mat (unless for medical reasons).
All equipment surrounding the dojo floor area is out of bounds.
Blood on the mats is to be cleaned straight away.
No open sores in training.
All sparring/wrestling to be supervised by an instructor.
In your third year as an Orange Belt, participants who spar must have the required protective equipment (mouthguard, groin guard, shin pads, 12 oz gloves).
No foul or disrespectful language.
Show respect and courtesy to all members. This means bowing before walking onto the mat and leaving the mat.
Students should only ever leave the mat area with permission. They are not to communicate with others who may be off the mat.
To adjust your Gi (training uniform), turn away from the instructor, drop onto one knee and retie your belt
Personal hygiene is essential. Long hair is to be tied back, nails clipped, hands and feet clean.
Be a good sport. Help others to improve whenever you can. When everyone improves, you improve.
Unnecessary roughness, crude language, or a display of ill temper or disrespect is strictly forbidden.
Do not ask to be promoted to a higher grade until you are invited. Rank is earned, not given.
Above all, always control your ego. Train hard and enjoy.
Outside the Dojo
All students must have self respect. This means we abide by all the rules of our home and our community. We also associate with others who are responsible.
Martial Arts is ultimately a serious pracitce. For this reason we don't play fight or show off.
All students are role models outside of the dojo. This means speaking and acting responsibly at all times.
The only time martial arts can be used outside the dojo is as a last resort and in the event of a serious attack. Verbal abuse is not a serious physical attack.
Martial arts is not to be used on family members or at school.
Resist the temptation to demonstrate skills to everyone in a public place.
Do not brag about martial arts.
If you are watching another martial arts display, avoid passing derogatory comments, no matter how unusual it may seem. All types of martial arts have something to offer and respect should be shown.
Any student found to be involved in drugs - in any way - will have his/her membership terminated. Remember that your actions can affect the reputation of the school, your instructor and other students.

Bullying policy
A. MRMA Positive Bystander Policy
B. Code of Conduct for martial arts students at school.
A. MRMA positive bystander policy:
Our 3 step process is based on the knowledge that a bystander who stands and watches an act of bullying or physical attack, by doing nothing, supports the action.
- Only act if you are not putting yourself at risk.
Under no second circumstances is anyone to touch the bully.
Separate the bully and the victim, then remove and support the victim.
If you don’t feel comfortable to intervene, then walk away and inform a teacher/responsible adult.
B. Code of Conduct for martial arts students:
Our 3 step process is founded on the attitude of using less force than an attacker does.
- Verbal abuse – stop, walk and talk model. In class, students rehearse raising a hand to show they wish the verbal bullying to stop, then they walk away and tell a teacher or adult.
Bully pushes us – block/redirect the push, distance yourself from the attacker and repeat step one.
Bully punches – block, trip opponent to ground (whilst holding one hand for safety of the attacker) then repeat step one. In extreme circumstances we may pin the attacker to the ground whilst calling for someone to alert a teacher.
References and extra help:
Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800 (or