Margaret River
Martial Arts
Unit 4, 19 Auger Way, Margaret River

Sudden Death Wrestling Tournament 2nd November 2024
Division and Times
Saturday 2/11/24
Year 1 and 2 Boys
Year 1 and 2 Girls
Year 3 and 4 Boys
Year 3 and 4 Girls
Year 5 and 6 Boys
Year 5 and 6 Girls
Year 7, 8 and 9 Male
Year 7, 8 and 9 Female
Year 10, 11 and 12 Male
Year 10, 11 and 12 Female
Adult Men Invitational
Absolute Division Male
Absolute Division Female
Q. Why Sudden Death?
A. Life is a mixture of good and bad, success and failure, highs and lows. Often we learn most about ourselves from our disappointments. Hence the focus in this tournament is how we handle loss, learn, then grow from the experience.
Q. Can I decide on the day to join in?
A. Yes . If there is room on the day you can join in!
Q. What if only 2 students are in one division?
A. They compete against each other and the winner gets the medal. (If only one turns up the division is cancelled).
Tournament Housekeeping
Start times are based on previous years run times.
Normal dojo rules exist during rounds.
Full Gi must be worn.
Initially students are paired up with an opponent of similar height. As matches progress and winners fight each other, a height and size difference will become more pronounced.
If you need more information, let us know. 0413137983

Wrestling Rules
Submission is deemed to have occurred when an student taps on his opponents body twice, calls out, gives up or is just about to be hurt in the opinion of a referee.
Normal wrestling rules exist for each division. No ankle locks or wrist locks for white belts. Straight ankle locks (no wrist locks) allowed for Yellow Belts and above.
Orange belts may start standing.
For Blue Belts, techniques include the KATCH system (Knee bars, Ankle locks, Toe holds, Compressions - calf and bicep, Heel hooks)
Intentionally hurting an opponent will result in a disqualification.