Margaret River
Martial Arts
Unit 4, 19 Auger Way, Margaret River

"We can make a difference in the life of a child."
Here is our proof:
Evidence example Number 5
2019 - Words of advice in the right moment.
When attacked by a family friend, Rhonan (8) realised his wish was to subdue his attacker even though the other boy was larger than him. The tables soon turned when Rhonan reversed the situation on his attacker, ended up on top of him then restrained his opponent and told him to settle down.
As it was all happening, Rhonan reported that the mantras that we speak about in class echoed in his brain. Words such as ‘use less force to defend yourself than the bully is using against you.’
Rhonan’s actions show that even when emotions are high, we can be stronger than our urges.
Evidence example Number 4
2019 - Our Anti Bullying Policy in Action
This parent, recently relocating to Tasmania shared her story of proof that our lessons are reaching the school yard.

Evidence example number 3:
2018 - Outnumbered but not outdone.
See the video here -
Evidence example number 2
2018 - Lochy and his World Vision child.
When deciding on our 6th World Vision child, our students researched the available kids through World Vision that they thought would appreciate our assistance and put forward their reasons as to why we should favour their choice. The winner was chosen and now our martial arts students take more of an interest as they were part of the decision.
Apart from Lochy.
He was disappointed as he was away on holidays.
So, on his return he make it clear to his parents that he wanted his own World Vision sponsor child.
Problem - Lochy is only 8.
So, not to be held back, he organised to do jobs around the house every week, every month, all year to 'pay' for the child.
The result?
Lochy now helps a disadvantaged child through World Vision.

Evidence example number 1
2015 - The removal of a victim.
Ante noticed a bully picking on another kid at his school. As the bully went to punch his victim, Ante grabbed the victim and moved him out of the way. The punch sailed harmlessly through the air not reaching its intended recipient. Ante then walked away with the kid.
Fight avoided.
Injury - none.
Self esteem - intact.